design panel 2014
With a background in fine arts, drafting, set design, and merchandising, for the past eight years Corey has run his own boutique firm specializing in kitchen and bath design, which he characterizes as “the two most complicated areas of the home.”
corey klassen ckd cbd

cheryl kees clendenon

A classically trained contemporary designer, Cheryl not only runs a design firm but also has a bricks-and-mortar design store—“it’s pretty eclectic, everything from large pieces of upholstered furniture to small vintage glass items.”
Born in Jamaica and raised in Boston, Marilyn gained 15 years invaluable experience interviewing architects and developers as a construction defect insurance adjuster before gaining a fine arts degree in interior design.
marilyn russel allied asid

mary douglas drysdale

“i was raised in the shadow of Thomas Jefferson’s architectural brilliance,” says the Charlottesville, Virginia–born designer, who founded her own well-regarded firm in 1990.
Six months after taking on her first design job, Meredith landed on the first of three shows she would do for HGTV, including "Restaurant Makeover,” that also aired on the Food Network.
meredith heron

susan serra ckd

Susan is a certified kitchen designer and has owned her own design firm, which specializes in bathroom and kitchen design, for more than 20 years. She is an acknowledged expert in the field, and is a top go-to source for the media on kitchen design.
2014 DXV design panel
Cheryl, Corey, Marilyn, Mary, Meredith and Susan -- each award-winning designers and influential bloggers -- express their unique personality, creativity and vision in the creation of individual spaces that draw inspiration from the DXV portfolio. Explore the dimensions of style, follow the conversation and imagine your own design story with DXV by American Standard.